The Canol Pipeline was built during World War II to move oil from the Imperial Oil field in Norman Wells to a refinery in Whitehorse.

The line was funded by the USA and strategically located safely within Canada to supplement supply to the war effort protecting Alaska from Japanese incursion.

The Canol Pipeline was decommissioned in 1947.

All assets were sold by the United States Government to LB Foster and Eli Davidson of Pitsburgh

George Prince was one of the Canadian contractors hired by Foster Davidson to remove the pipeline.

The salvaged pipe and equipment was transported to a staging yard at Carcross Yukon. From Carcross the pipe was sent to Egypt.


From March 19th to March 31st 2017, 70 years after George Prince struck a deal to handle the salvage

Nine Adventurous Men on snowmobiles took a trip that traced the original pipeline route from Ross River to "Mile Marker 120" (from Norman Wells)-



Don White, Dave Tubman, Brian Lewis, Rod Gerbrandt, Dennis Ellingson, Randi Alexander, Clayton Prince, Dennis Meier, Stan Prince

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